In the educational specialist (EdS) in school psychology with pupil personnel services (PPS) credential program, you’ll specialize in offering services and support to help children surmount challenges. 作为一名学校心理学家, you’ll work closely with students and families to develop individualized programs to help them manage troubling issues, 比如精神障碍和情绪问题. You’ll learn how to use data and science to assess complicated scenarios and drive behavioral change to help students thrive at home and in school.
This school psychology graduate program also prepares you for the pupil personnel services (PPS) credential, 允许你在加州的学校实习. 你不需要心理学背景来获得这个学校的心理学教育学位, 但你应该意识到孩子们面临的挑战, 想要帮助他们和他们的家人. An EdS in school psychology with a PPS credential can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding career that helps you improve the lives of students.
- The education specialist in school psychology with pupil personnel services credential has an emphasis in school based 心理健康 并为你在高水平上工作做好准备, 考虑到教育和社会情感环境的大环境. 这个职位是数据驱动的, working with students and families to develop plans to get them through ongoing challenges such as mental illness, 自杀意念, 长期的家庭问题. The EdS program also prepares you to gain the PPS (pupil personnel services) credential that allows you to practice in 加州’s schools.
Our graduate program designed for future school psychologists is approved by the 加州 Commission on Teacher 凭证ing (CTC), 是全国乃至世界上最高的标准之一.
如果你拥有地区认可机构的学士学位, 在任何科目中, you will fulfill the admissions requirement and be in the position to earn your EdS degree.
你不仅可以在网上获得你的教育专家指导证书, you’ll also have the opportunity to work at PK-12 school sites to gain the experience you need to succeed in the field.
作为未来的学校心理学家, coursework for the EdS in 学校心理学 program ensures you are prepared in the following 专业 competencies:
- 资讯科技技能,具备与其工作相关的信息来源和技术知识.
- 学校心理学的实践与发展 with the knowledge of the history and foundations of theschool psychology profession; of service models and methods; of public 政策发展; and of ethical, 专业, 以及法律标准.
- 学生在发展和学习方面的多样性 了解个体差异, 能力, 残疾和生物的影响, 社会, 文化, 少数民族, 经验, 社会经济, 与性别有关, 以及发展和学习中的语言因素.
- 预防、危机干预和心理健康 具备人类发展、精神病理学和生物学方面的知识, 文化, 以及社会对人类行为的影响.
- 有效的指导和认知/学术技能的发展 通过人类学习过程的知识, 评估这些过程的技术, and direct and indirect services applicable to the development of cognitive and academic skills.
- 社会化和生活技能的发展 通过对人类发展过程的了解, 行为分析, 评估这些过程的技术, 并适用于直接和间接服务行为的发展, 情感, 自适应, 以及社交技巧.
- 基于数据的决策和问责制 with knowledge of varied models and methods of assessment useful in identifying strengths and needs, 理解问题, 衡量进步和成就.
- 协商与合作 行为学知识, 心理健康, 协作, 和/或其他咨询模式和方法.
- 有效的指导和认知/学术技能的发展 通过人类学习过程的知识, 评估这些过程的技术, and direct and indirect services applicable to the development of cognitive and academic skills.
- 学校和系统组织, 政策发展, 气候和通识教育的知识, 特殊教育, 以及其他教育和相关服务.
- 家庭/学校/社区协作 了解家庭制度, 学生发展, 学习, 和行为, 以及让家庭参与教育和服务提供的方法. 具有研究知识的研究和博士项目评估, 统计数据, 评价方法.
- 教育研究及项目评估 具有研究、统计和评估方法的知识.
- 资讯科技技能,具备与其工作相关的信息来源和技术知识.
认识到学生的不同需求, the 学习 format of this graduate certificate program can be completed fully online. This flexible approach allows students to balance their studies with 专业 and personal commitments. The curriculum includes a focus on multi文化 awareness and sensitivity so our graduates are well-prepared to meet the needs of diverse populations.
A credentialed school psychologist can have a significant role in positively influencing students. 学校心理学家专门研究教育领导. They support student needs across all arenas including 社会 emotional, academic, 和行为al. They devise strategies and give intervention services that can improve the student’s educational progress. This 专业 practice also calls for them to engage with parents and teachers to guide children and promote 学习 both within their homes and classrooms. 研究生s of school psychology programs may pursue career options in public and private school settings.
The 学校心理学 EdS program is an eight-week term program and is open for enrollment during each of those respective enrollment periods. 在我们为期八周的课程中了解更多 校历.
The 教育专家 in 心理学 degree with emphasis in school-based 心理健康 (SBMH) is a 78-credit program over 14 terms.
教育专家学位课程完全在线提供. 所有的课程和作业都可以虚拟完成, 在你自己的时间, 让你根据自己的时间安排来调整你的教育.
"This is a profession in which you can really change the hearts and minds of many and make a difference. T在这里 are many opportunities to be able to transform systems and provide support in more ways that increase your impact in the lives of your students."
在Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for 专业 careers of service and 领导 and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. 我们提供经过认证的教育, 注重实用知识和技能, 与不同的教师和校友保持联系, 以学生体验为目标.
CSOE提供各种学位, 证书, and 凭证 in education that prepare you to make a lasting difference through teaching, 咨询, 领导, 宣传, 政府, 管理, 还有社区工作. Whether you’re looking for an online degree program or an in-person 学习 experience for your higher education, 我们在这里指导你前进的每一步.